Why SchoolStore?
Proven Results
SchoolStore has helped over 20,000 schools raise more than $200,000,000 and has made it possible for over 400,000 teachers to get the classroom supplies they need without spending their money.
SchoolStore Is Easy
It only takes one volunteer less than two hours to run the program. SchoolStore is done entirely online with no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products, and there is no risk or cost to your school.
Over 300 Merchants
Supporters can shop online at top retailers like Walmart, Old Navy, Kohls, Best Buy, The Family Bookstore, and over 300 more, with up to 50% of all sales going to your school.
The Industry's best Prize Incentive Program For Students
Students will love all of the prizes they can earn. They even get a great prize just for participating!
Gift Card Program For Teachers
Supporters donate Caring For Classroom gift cards directly to teachers to redeem for various classroom essentials, including school supplies, teacher resources, books, arts & crafts, games, and more. Teachers get the classroom supplies they need without spending their money.
Over 44 Years Of Experience Helping Schools
SchoolStore.com is operated by Reading For Education, LLC. Since 1981, Reading For Education has helped schools from all 50 states raise funds with our unique and safe fundraising programs.